A credit union is a not-for-profit financial institution which is owned by its members.
Become A Member
- Live, work, volunteer, worship, or go to school in the city of Jamestown or one of
22 towns in southern Chautauqua and Cattaraugus Counties (listed below). You may
also qualify for membership if you have a family member who belongs.
- Open a savings account and maintain a balance of at least $5.00. You’ll need to come to one of our offices in person and bring photo ID. Federal regulations require us to verify your identity and your eligibility for membership.
Below is our field of membership, as defined by our federal charter:
Persons who live, work, worship, or attend school in, and businesses and other legal entities located in the following towns or cities in New York:
- city of Jamestown
- towns of Busti, Carroll, Charlotte,
- Chautauqua, Cherry Creek, Clymer,
- Conewango, Ellery, Ellicott,
- Ellington, French Creek, Gerry,
- Harmony, Kiantone, Leon,
- Mina, North Harmony, Poland,
- Randolph, Sherman, South Valley, and Stockton.
- Also included are spouses of persons who died while within the field of membership of this credit union, employees of this credit union, volunteers in the community, members of their immediate family or household, and organizations of such persons.

We've Joined Forces!

More Convenience For You!
As a member of JACFCU you can do the following transactions at any Inner Lakes branch:
- Cash and check deposits (no dollar limit)
- Cash and check withdrawals (verification and limits apply)
- Check cashing (verification and limits apply)
Just find the green-colored poster that details this service, labeled “We’ve Joined Forces”. Complete the transaction slip that is provided next to the poster. Then take that slip to the teller and your transaction will be performed and posted to your account with JACFCU. A member taking advantage of this service must provide a picture ID and a document that clearly shows their JACFCU account number (such as a membership card, or a recent statement).